Online Certificate Course on Contemporary Labour Laws

The course was introduced with an aim to develop skills that are required to deal with legal and practical aspects necessary to ensure compliance with statutory requirements of Labour Regulation in India. It extends over five modules covering different legislations governing Labour Relations and Social Security for the Indian workforce, including laws relating to Industrial Relations, Factory Regulations, Contract Labour, Wage Law, etc.

Course Objectives:

  1. To introduce the students to basic tenets of Indian Labour Law regime.
  2. To conduct area specific study of different labour legislations in India.
  3. To develop clear understanding among the students about the practical situations faced by the various stakeholders of Indian Labour Laws in their day to day professional life.
  4. To impart comparative knowledge of the contemporary developments and existing Indian Labour Laws.

The following experts graciously agreed to be the resource persons for the certificate course on Contemporary Labour Laws.

  1. Prof. (Dr.) BT Kaul (Former Professor, Delhi University)
  2. Prof. (Dr.) V Nagaraj (Professor, NLSIU Bangalore)
  3. Dr. Shobha Bhardwaj (Associate Professor, JLU Bhopal)
  4. Dr. Anita Ladha (Associate Professor, JLU Bhopal)
  5. Mr. Piyush Dwivedi (Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court of India)
  6. Mr. Mahendra Soni (Assistant Professor, NLIU Bhopal)