Asst. Prof. Mr. Mahendra Soni, Chairperson, CLL, interviewed by Bar & Bench

Another feather in our hat was added recently when our Chairperson, Asst. Prof. Mr. Mahendra Soni was interviewed by Bar & Bench. The interview was centered around his journey in the legal profession and as an academician at his own alma mater.

As the Founder Chairperson of CLL, he also talked about how the idea of a Centre dedicated for Labour Laws took shape amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and immediately strived to contribute their bit in tackling the migrant crisis by way of mazdoor Mitra.

During the rendezvous, a message of adopting an interdisciplinary approach towards law subjects was also conveyed to young, budding lawyers which would eventually help them when they enter the legal profession. The interview was conducted by Devansh Malhotra, Campus Ambassador, Bar & Bench.

Link to the interview: