The Certificate Course on Insurance Laws was introduced with an aim to develop the necessary skills to deal with the legal and practical aspects related to regulation of Insurance regime in India. The course, spanning over five modules, was designed to impart knowledge on Basic Principles of Insurance, Life Insurance, Fire Insurance, Motor Insurance and Crop Insurance, respectively.

Course Objectives:

  1. To introduce the students to basic tenets of Insurance Law regime.
  2. To conduct an area specific study of different Insurance Legislations in India.
  3. To develop clear understanding among the students about the practical situations faced by the various stakeholders of Indian Insurance regime in their professional life,
  4. To impart knowledge of the contemporary developments in Indian Insurance Laws.

The following experts graciously agreed to be the resource persons for the certificate course on Insurance Laws.

  1. Prof. (Dr.) Yogendra Shrivastava (Dean, Faculty of Law, JLU Bhopal)
  2. Prof. (Dr.) Rakhi Singh Chauhan (Head of Department, Amity Law School Gwalior)
  3. Dr. Himanshu Pandey (Associate Professor, MNLU Nagpur)
  4. Mr. Piyush Dwivedi (Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court of India)
  5. Mr. Mahendra Soni (Assistant Professor, NLIU Bhopal)