Month: December 2022

  • Author: Karan Vakil is a Newly graduated 6th generation lawyer practicing in Mumbai. The Article argues that while increased maternity leave is a step in the right direction, Family leave is the ideal that our legislature and society must aim to reach for a truly inclusive outlook to childcare and family values. Introduction Maternity leave…

  • Divyanshi Shukla and Karanveer Singh Khaira Introduction The Supreme Court, in its recent judgment, Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation versus Bharat Singh Jhala (Dead) Son of Shri Nathu Singh, through Legal Heirs & Anr,[1] held that if an Industrial Tribunal had approved a termination order, it is binding on the parties and hence, Labour Court…

  • Author: Radhika Bhatti is a 5th-year student at National Law University, Jodhpur pursuing her B.A. LL.B. (Business Law Hons.), Co-Author: Sonal Lalwani is a 5th-year student at National Law University, Jodhpur pursuing her B.A. LL.B. (Intellectual Property Rights Hons.). The present article primarily interprets the Right to Disconnect Bill, 2018 along with providing a comparative…

  • ~ Ashish Kumar a 4th year Student of BA LLB (Hons) at NMIMS School of Law, Bangalore, Co-Author- Urja Joshi a 4th year Student of BBA LLB (Hons) at NMIMS School of Law, Bangalore.  The article is an analysis of Employee Provident Fund Laws and its applicability to the employees. The authors have also discussed the compliances and due…