Adarsh Kumar & Aryan Bhat INTRODUCTION The ongoing COVID-19 contagion has had a disproportionate impact on the economically vulnerable migrant workers which has worsened their pre-existing financial vulnerabilities and pushed them to the brink of penury. The financial unsoundness, relegated social standing, coupled with the state apathy has triggered a large-scale humanitarian crisis as the…
Yashasvi Jain & Sameer Gupta In the absence of any immediate incentive, employers have not considered investing in pandemic preparation procedures in India. However, the Covid-19 crisis has made the employment industry consciously realize the long-term benefits of investing in pandemic preparation procedure. Specifically, technology in terms of infrastructure has become a sine-qua-nonfeature of pandemic…
Sanighdha “The greatest nations are defined by how they treat their weakest inhabitants.” -Jorge Ramos INTRODUCTION While we sit in our cosy homes enjoying the monsoon, there are lakhs of migrants stranded on every nook and corner holding no key to the plethora of their problems; unlike we, the privileged ones have. Yet, we still…
Keshav Malpani and Anushka Garg Introduction On May 6, 2020, the Uttar Pradesh State Government passed an ordinance, namely, the “Uttar Pradesh Temporary Exemption from Certain Labour Laws Ordinance, 2020” to deal with the effects of COVID-19 and revive the economy of the State. The ordinance seeks to suspend 35 out of 38 labour laws prevailing in…
Parth Tyagi & Jaisal Singh Introduction Post the nationwide lockdown (March 24th) following the Covid-19 outbreak, millions of migrant workers were left floundering. They had the option to either die of starvation, or to leave for their homes in different states and expose themselves to the risk of contracting the coronavirus. Consequently, the lockdown, which…
Migration has been a known phenomenon since time immemorial. India having witnessed the world’s largest voluntary migration, currently houses 400 million migrants, with over 100 million of them being circular migrants that repeatedly move between home and host areas. Thus, at least 19.6 percent of the Indian workforce consists of migrants today. Therefore, it comes…